


TRASHMIND 歌詞 (Lyrics) まとめ

TRASHMIND 歌詞 (Lyrics) まとめ Ups and Downs EP 1.Freewheeling Rights 2.Is It a Waste? 3.Reset 4.Coming Home Longtime losers' EP 1.Bumpy road 2.By your side 3.Don't break your place TRASHMIND FREE DEMO 1.All right 2.Lesson 9 6.When do you …

Get Along With You 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Get Along With You 内容 Get Along With You I woke up in the car. The inside of it was covered in puke all ends up. Dumb it! I want to erase me. But it's OK. Drinking makes me happy tonight. How are you doing now? Are you OK? What is eating…

DEAD LETTER 歌詞 (Lyrics)

DEAD LETTER 内容 DEAD LETTER I feel a little awkward telling you again so I will let you know how I feel with this song. I appreciate everything you've done. You saved me. I hope you hear this song and accept my feelings. I use English so …

Gone 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Gone 意味 楽曲 Gone Boring days go by so fast. Today is just flying by. Keep my eyes open. The past is never coming back. Precious time hardly come down the pike. Although I know... I never know when my life will end. I can't get it back. …

Coming Home 歌詞 (Lyrics)

www.youtube.com Coming Home 意味 楽曲 Coming Home The time is passing in the blink of an eye. I wonder if you fall off the map from my side. I'm lonley but it's better. I think that you can only cry, but you run around all over the place a…

Reset 歌詞 (Lyrics)

www.youtube.com Reset 意味 楽曲 Reset Who the hell am I? I wonder what I living for. Hell! I crack under the fear of unknown. My head is going to explode. The bone-weary face is reflected in the mirorr. I smark by lying to myself. The glar…

Is It a Waste? 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Is It a Waste? 意味 楽曲 Is It a Waste? The world is overflowing with each and every news. They jump out at me unavoidably. We know about what has been going on recently. And they fall on our ears even though nobody wants. It's no use gett…

Freewheeling Rights 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Freewheeling Rights 意味 楽曲 Freewheeling Rights Live without being caught up in anything. Days invalved in that phrase. Is it free to wear novel clothes? I don't know how I look to you. We are in the same club at end of day. Lots of mass…

Turn out rotten eyes 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Turn out rotten eyes Turn out rotten eyes by TRASHMIND Goodbye better times. Everyday pass before you know. You don't have the clear vision because of your rotten eyes. In the middle of a fight. You face up to reallity, and you are overwhe…

Lesson 9 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Lesson 9 Lesson 9 is all over in your life. So time is now. Hold on. Never let it go. Listen here, try over and over again till you can do again. Hold on. Don't forget it. How long are you crouching that place? Never looking ahead if you c…

All Right 歌詞 (Lyrics)

All Right (Go up the wall) I was scolded in work. (Go dead line) I was tongued by the dog. (No get back) I was in a fight with my friend. I was nipped a bung. My house burned a little bit. I was called me rough names again. There are lots …

When Do You Run Riot? 歌詞 (Lyrics)

When Do You Run Riot? Here we go our fuckin' live show! No one make so much noise. When do run riot? 意味 俺たちのライブが始まるぜー! ん?誰も騒いでない… いつ暴れんの? 今でしょ! って感じの曲です! 文章3つ! 短い! シンプル! バカ! 20歳…

How to Enjoy Party Time 歌詞 (Lyrics)

How to Enjoy Party Time Is something weighing on your mind? All right? Forget all. Let us enjoy party time? It isn't interesting to be alone. Come on now. Are you ready? Let us go. So I'm waiting here. You are all right because I'm here. L…

All Too Late 歌詞 (Lyrics)

All Too Late You stayed by my side before I knew it. I take you for granted. Allways together. I think this time is forever. I miss the days when I got into a fight with you. I had to take good care of you. You have gone from me before I k…

What's up boys 歌詞 (Lyrics)

What's up boys Kick off the nutty meat ball time tonight! Let's drink alcohol untill the morning. Oh, I know. Y'all enjoy in different ways. I know, I know!Let's drink a beer or two! It's OK to become Masai, and close your eyes in silence.…

Parting 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Parting You passed away by really all at once. I couldn't see you for the last time and convey to you my appreciation at all. I know that I have no choice. I don't want to feel this pain any more. I'm always remembering so many things. We …

Don't break your place 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Don't break your place I can't gain sitizenship. I'm feeling small by the second. I feel suffocated. I lost heart and soul, and the playspace. Why did this have to happen to me? So I lament over. Hang about! You blame others. However, it's…

Bumpy Road 歌詞 (Lyrics)

Bumpy Road I'm a longtime loser. But I never say good bye. The life is changing, I enjoy the bumpy road. I don't find myself beeing here, but I make a choice the life. With my dear fam, my wrong days are not so bad. I don't know where I am…

By your side 歌詞 (Lyrics)

By your side How far did I go? I think for once in a way. No one knows when the story passes away in a clap. I wonder if I know for the first time that I'm the author when the story ends, and I know I can do whatever. Because I'm the autho…