By your side
How far did I go?
I think for once in a way.
No one knows when the story passes away in a clap.
I wonder if I know for the first time that I'm the author when the story ends, and I know I can do whatever.
Because I'm the author.
I can't change the past but the future is in my hands.
You're not the note. You are the author. No hurry now.
When you were born with cry in the world, a brand new story's started to write.
I'm always by your side, if you don't mind me.
I hope that day will never come.
I'm OK if you smile.
I got the role when I saw your face.
But I don't know where the book in my life’s.
Pretty passes smile at me.
I can walk If I'm with you.
I don't know where I go.
But I can walk at all.
How long will it take?
I think for once in a way.
No one knows how long we have left till the story ends.
What's important is not the goal, but the journey.
The goal shows up on its own. Pull every string what is in front of you.
I can't change the past but the future is in my hands.
You're not the note. You are the author. No hurry. One by one.
When you were born with cry in the world, a brand new story's started to write.
I'm always by your side, if you don't mind me.
I hope that day will never come.
I'm OK if you smile.
I got the role when I saw your face.
But I don't know where the book in my life’s.
Pretty passes smile at me.
I can walk If I'm with you.
I don't know where I go.
I can walk at all.
All right.
I'm by your side.
我らがTRASHMINDの10年ぶりに作った音源「Longtime losers' EP」の2曲目に収録された「By your side」の英語の歌詞を載っけてみました。(ジャケット等には載せていないので…)
あと僕が愛して止まないGREEN DAYに一番近い曲ができました。(パクリじゃないよ!リスペクト!)
GREEN DAY好きな人にはぜひ聴いてもらいたいです!
こんな感じで「Longtime losers' EP」の全曲歌詞載っけていきますね!
Longtime losers' EPの1曲目「Bumpy Road」の歌詞はこちら↓